Let's take things a step further. I have talked about high-tech, efficient tactical support vehicles, but what about unmanned vehicles? Unmanned vehicles have the obvious advantage of requiring no soldier to be physically present in the line of fire. We have been hearing about the Predator on the news recently. It can carry bombs and objects weighing up to 1.5 tons. It also has a battery life of 14 hours, which means it can travel greater distances.
Unmanned air crafts are also useful, such as the Global Hawk. This piece of technology is designed to scan the terrain using radar imaging. It uses a wireless connection to transmit its data back to the soldier at any location in the world.
While unmanned military vehicles make it safer for our troops, it also makes it easier to participate in war fare, which could become a very bad convenience. It would also make it much more expensive to build all of these robots. Then they would probably end up taking over us anyway....terminator style. Yup.
Wong, William. electronicdesign.com "Unmanned Military Vehicles: Robots on the Rise." 27 Jul, 2009. http://electronicdesign.com/Articles/Index.cfm?AD=1&ArticleID=19685
Unmanned combat vehicles are a great technology for the armed forces. They provide safety in the fact that there is no body aboard the vehicle. In fact, the army even started recruiting people who have a propensity towards video games. Video gamers have the hand to eye coordination to control these vehicles with great accuracy. This may lead to the eventual shift towards wars that are fought in front of video screens. This may really blur the line between virtual reality and reality.
ReplyDeleteI hope that unmanned vehicles are the real future of war fare. They keep humans out of harms way, which can hopefully, in turn, allow our military and the military of other countries around the world to concentrate more on the humanitarian efforts than actual war.
ReplyDeleteThis is an evolution of an aircrafts. This is also known as predator or a reeper. It can be named as anything depending on what air base owns it. This aircraft is also known as UAV vehicles, which is unmanned aerial vehicle. By military using this, the soldiers are glad to know that they are safe just because they don’t have to fly it to a mission. Although it takes a big finical toll on military, because one of these cost as much as buying 5 jet fighters so for now they only has prototypes of this UAV. Right now the engineers are working on how to build this vehicle with a less money.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn’t be surprised to see unmanned vehicles used for commercial or law enforcement purposes in the future. They could be used on land, in water, and in the air. There are cameras everywhere already and they’ve been helpful in solving crimes. Patrolling drone aircraft might be an effective crime-prevention tool in high-crime or high traffic areas. An unmanned aircraft timing driver’s speeds on highways would be another preventive measure. They have cameras at intersections that photograph vehicles going through red lights and checking for valid registrations. You receive a citation in the mail. Having mobile cameras intruding further on your activities could be an inevitable use of this type of technology.
ReplyDeleteThis is a big step towards keeping all those in the armed forces safe. These unmanned planes can take pictures of certain areas in an enemy's territory and drop bombs without ever putting a human being in harms way. The only problem with something like this is that eventually everyone will have this technology and then it will be a battle of who can repair their robots the fastest. I agree with Dennis's comment, I believe that local law enforcement could benefit greatly from this technology. They could use unmanned cars to patrol the streets, even if the cars couldn't actually do anything their presence on the road would still deter crime. Again, a problem with using machines to do what humans normally do is that we would be taking away jobs.
ReplyDeleteIts is really nice that we discovered an unmanned vehicle because first of all it will protect our troops and second of all you can scan a video. It is really nice to hear that it's baterry life is about 14 hours. It helps carry many different things unless it weigh more than 1.5. I agree with steve about if eveyone will have unmanned plane then people will be fighting over who have the best technology or best machine. People do invent many different things but there are somethings that should not be given to regular people such as guns. I know it is for our own protection but sometimes it can be misused. An unmaned plane is a good source of army.