For the last 5 months the government has been working to improve armored vests currently being utilized by the military. They have added more protection to the sides of the vest in order to deter shrapnel injuries from occurring so frequently, which has become a big concern due to what U.S. soldiers are experiencing in Iraq and Afghanistan. These new vests should prove most useful for soldiers operating guns on top of vehicles.
Gilmore, Jerry. "Improved Armored Vests." 13 Jul, 2009.
Now technology is beginning to make miracles. This is when technology can really be considered as "life saving". The government has made a great move. Building vests like this for our troops in Iraq is a smart thing. I really hope it saves many lives, and am sure it will, why didn't the government think of this before the troops went to Iraq? this has to be one of the greatest inventions ever. Hopefully there will be vests such as this to protect our cops as well.
ReplyDeleteThis seems to be an example of the needs of society pushing technology forward. The necessary to provide improved protection to our military troops and hopefully save lives has brought about the advancement of armored vests. I find it interesting that as the threat chances so does the protection from the threat while still keeping the needs to use lightweight materials. The use of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) has also brought about the development of electronic countermeasures to find and neutralize the threat. This cycle of the combatants using new technology to take lives and create destruction and new technology being developed to saves lives and reduce the threat, is a sad truth that has remained almost constant through history. Technology is neither good nor bad, it is how people decide to use it.
ReplyDeleteI have always felt that the bullet proof vests that the army used was a little lack luster. It seemed that they were basing the location of the bullet on commonly shot areas. A bullet could potentially kill you almost wherever in your body it lands. Especially with all the new types of bullets that are out, plus is someone really wanted to harm you they would should for places that couldn't possibly be protected by armor. I like the fact that the army is actually stepping up and shelling out the money for this. Like you said the war in Iraq and Afghanistan is unlike anything we have seen before. The type of weapons that they are using to harm us are straying from the normal bullets and have moved to home-made bombs. This added armor can and will save hundreds of American lives.
ReplyDeleteThe information for this article came from an article written in 2006, 5 years after the war in Iraq started. While the technology id great and will be lifesaving, it is a shame that it took them this long to improve the original technology. Maybe many lives could have been saved in that time.
ReplyDeleteWith that being said though I think constant improvements to lifesaving devices like armored vests should be something that is continually ongoing. The technological changes to vests handed out to the military should be incorporated into the vest that our police officers wear as well.
The new vests are lightweight, unisex, and easy to move around, all things that are especially important to those who are in combat. Now if we could just come up with a way to end war as well…..
~Angela (A Bag of Tricks)
That vest is very interesting. I have a friend of mine over seas fighting in Iraq and he says his platoon does not have armored vests. It scares me that if he every gets shot, he don't have a vest to protect him. It is very cool that the government is making newer technology to protect our nations heroes. ANother great thing about the vest is that they are light weight so its easier to have on in the hot weather in Iraq.
ReplyDeleteThese vests are very much needed in the military today. I have a cousin in Iraq and I always worry about his safety, it’s great that they have decided to update the vests and make them safer for the soldiers. It is just ashamed that this war has been going on for years and they have just made this vest maybe if they were made a couple years ago we would have less soldiers injured or killed.
ReplyDeleteImprovements made to armored vests for military use will benefit society as a whole as these designs are carried over to civilian life. Military vests are adapted for use by law enforcement. The shock absorbing technology may also be useful to firefighters, mountain climbers, equestrians and participants of other sports. In addition to being bullet proof, advancements in fabric and design technology will make these vests more lightweight, burn and trauma resistant. A hood could be added to wear under a helmet to provide protection to the head and neck. Artists could use color, design or camouflage to depict a vest wearer’s group or personal identification. Electronic or digital, GPS based “Dog tag” ID may be built right into a vest’s fabric to help identify the wearer in cases of emergency or body recovery.
ReplyDeleteI fully support this new innovation. It is so important that we give these men and women everything we can. It seems as though it would be common sense to have a fully protective vest. Who is to say that soldiers will only be hit in the chest or back? A stray bullet can hit anywhere on the body. In my opinion they should be covered from head to toe to prevent any unnecessary injury. This is just the beginning, hopefully, of new protective technology.