The Delilah Missle used by Israel, is a stand off weapong that can be fired then guided by GPS to a location. Upon arriving at this location the missle can loiter until a traget is confirmed, found, or can be destroyed remotley if nothing is found to attack.
This type os weapon is very useful and can provde a counrtry with an opportunity to launch a missle and wait until they decide to strike when a building is safe.
The down side is this weapon can only carry 30Kg of explosives, but still has enough to destroy small targets and put fear into an enemey.
I think it great though. I always see things like these in the movies but I never actually thought that missiles like these actually occur in real. I also believe that this is the same type of weapon that a US military uses, which is called “Predator” where it is mostly operated through the GPS system and they also show it in the Transformers
ReplyDeleteIt would be better knowing that this was one of ours, but I am sure we have something like it. The technology used behind this weaponry is very impressive. Pin-pointing a target using the GPS technology, allowing it to stand off until authorized to hit the target or destroy itself when no target is found. Although it may not carry a lot of explosives, with this technology it is not about quantity, but quality.
ReplyDeleteThis weapons technology provides better control in when to hit a target that may save lives. If it is mistakenly aimed at the wrong target you can have the missle wait or destroy itself rather then hitting an unintended target. This could be a good weapon for warfare that happens near cities or where there are a lot of civilians nearby. Hopefully in the future we won't have a need for weapons but until then this one may help save lives by avoiding unintended targets.
ReplyDeleteI think that this missile is a great idea and can be very useful to the soldiers. The fact that they can fire it and then use the GPS to know where it is going and find out if it has hit anything or not is a great idea. Maybe this will help fewer soldiers getting killed in the wars.