The Navy's latest, biggest and baddest unmanned aerial vehicle has just been unveiled. Yesterday in California, Northrup Grumman showed off a completed X-47B Navy Unmanned Combat Air System, the first of two fighter-plane-size UAVs that the company will produce for the U.S. Navy. The second will follow in 2009. The Navy hopes to start flying the X-47Bs next year. The UAV is expected to have the ability to take off from and land on an aircraft carrier, and the Navy plans to start those trials in 2011.
The X-47 was designed to be adept at long-range surveillance because of its large range and high flight ceiling. And despite being a beast—it will have a 62-ft wingspan and weigh around 45,000 pounds at takeoff—the X-47B is designed for stealth. This aircraft shows the Navy's growing embrace of unmanned technology, including both unmanned underwater vehicles and aerial vehicles. But the X-47B would be a technological step forward—besides carrying stealth features, it is supposed to have the ability to execute some maneuvers, such as refueling in midflight, autonomously.
Andrew Moseman, Popular Mechanics
X-47B Navy Unmanned Combat Air System is one of the coolest looking aircraft I have seen! It will help the Navy by demonstrating the technical feasibility of carrier landings with a tail-less, low observable relevant platform prototype; it will continue maturation of relevant carrier landing and integration technologies; and conduct UCAS carrier landings. (http://www.as.northropgrumman.com/products/nucasx47b/index.html)
ReplyDeleteUnmanned, is great for the safety of our military men, but it is remote controlled which is done by man! The size of it seems as if it would be blown to pieces, but honestly, I am not very familiar with it to judge it. If this is something that will ensure the safety of our military and benefit our time in war and maybe save some money, then let us try it!
Any weapon that does not have to put our service men and women in harm's way is a good weapon. I have to admit though, that I never thought UAV's would become so large. All of the UAVs that the military uses today are relatively small. However, the fact that this UAV uses stealth technology should negate the fact that it is a much larger aircraft. UAVs are usually more fuel efficient than a regular aircraft too, which just goes to show that even the Navy is trying to go green.
ReplyDeleteThis is one of the aircrafts that might make some of us think that this might be just a big toy or something else rather than thinking that it might be an aircraft. This is the exact reason why engineers design this not to be recognized and the best feature is that it’s undetectable. I think this is aircraft is somewhat similar to Predator, the only thing is different between this and predator is that this aircraft needs a pilot on board, where as predator fly’s by itself. But this UAV aircraft is capable of so much more, such as going at speeds like F-16, F-18, and F-22. This aircraft might easily pull 10 g-forces. This aircraft is perfect for modern warfare, because it might save so many lives in middle of the battle.
ReplyDeleteThe new X-47B unmanned aerial vehicle is certainly future technology at its best. The concept of unmanned fighter missions would be a life saving idea for the future. Society would welcome the idea of not endangering a pilot’s life for strategic combat missions. The other X-47 plane sounds like it will be a work of art. The huge wingspan and its stealth looking body will be hard to detect in high atmospheres. The capabilities to stay in the air for long periods of time and being able to refuel automatically are ingenious ideas. The future of air and water travel is becoming what science fiction movies once depicted. I can’t wait to see what future unmanned vehicles ( UAV’s and UWV’s ) will be able to accomplish.
ReplyDeleteI had no idea that this was even an idea. It is brilliant. Just think of how many lives can be saved using planes like these. Instead of piloting, these men and women can control the planes from a safe place. It sounds much more comforting. Personally, I think that they will function and perform better. There will be less tension and more focusing since those operating these planes are not at risk. What is next? I wonder how long it will take before the other branches of military. Wouldn’t it be great if we could train soldiers to fight from a distance? This is the first step.
ReplyDeleteThis does look like one awesome toy to fly. Puts all those plane kit toys to shame. But the one interesting feature that caught my interest is that it is unmanned. Flown by a pilot at headquarters or on the Navy carrier assuming. It seems that more and more combat vehicles and becoming more unmanned, not that I am complaining, I am down for the US troops not getting hurt in unnecessary battles or even at all. But the more I think about it, the more it looks like the wars of tomorrow will be fought by robots and other possibly artificial intelligence rather than the men who proclaimed the war. Kinda like a game of chess. Our pawns may have been taken and our King has been checked and you may have one, but no actual harm was inflicted.