Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Future Combat Systems

The FCS is a joint network connecting the entire military and even some outside sources to share information on a soldiers surroundings. By allowing a soldier to know exactly where everything is located prior to entering the area, the soldier will be able to make better decisions and will increase his or her chances of survival.


  1. That video looks more like something out of the movies, but could also be viable. Integrating all those systems to work simultaneous like that though would be an impressive feat. IF it could be done it would change warfare, much in the way it did in that movie. I could foresee this technology being possible in maybe the next 10 years or so. We would need a lot of things to happen in order for this to be the case, but on our governments military budget anything is possible.

  2. Wow!! If our military system can come through this technology, it would change the modern warfare. This technology is going to take sometime to be completely develop. It will also take a huge financial budget. But with our military budget nothing is impossible. This technology will make communication easier and also help out troops outside of United States. This technology might even be in use right now. Our military doesn't show us everything they use or develop. This technology will be an advantage in wars.

  3. It wouldn’t surprise me to robotic soldiers directed by this or similar technologies taking the place of human ground forces in combat. Drone aircraft are used now with a great deal of effectiveness, it follows that non-human ground forces will follow. It could lead to another type of Cold War with superpowers developing robots with such destructive close-range power that there’s a mutual deterrence.
