Aireial spying usuing baloons was used by both the union and the south. These baloons were first used to spot approaching armies, but soon comanders and leaders realized they could command their armies.
Being able to see the whole picture was a great advantage. The baloons were targeted near the end of the war when both sides realized they could gain an advantage by downing them.
This lead to Blimbs being used during WWI to see the trenches and movments of oposing armies.
See after also responding to the Hindenburg post on another blog, the use of balloons and blimps surprises me. That they had any success staying in the air and avoiding being shot down is pretty impressive. You see especially during the time of war, striving to defend society, they become inventive with technology. The post is interesting, it just makes me think, wow, how far we’ve come in wartime technology.